Bylaws of CCCPRD
Definitions: As used in these Bylaws, unless otherwise specifically noted, the following terms shall have the meanings given herein:
“Board” shall mean the Board of Trustees of the Campbell County Community Public Recreation District.
“District” shall mean the Campbell County Community Public Recreation District.
“Campbell County School District” shall be referred to as “CCSD.”
“Trustee or Trustees” shall mean the Trustees of the Campbell County Community Public Recreation District.
ARTICLE 1. Offices.
The principal office of the Campbell County Community Public Recreation District in the State of Wyoming shall be located at 1000 W. 8th Street, Gillette, Wyoming. The District may have other offices as designated by the Board.
ARTICLE 2. Board of Trustees.
Section 1. General Powers. The business and affairs of the District shall be managed under the direction of its Board of Trustees. Each trustee shall perform his duties as a Trustee, including serving as a member of any committee of the Board upon which he may serve, in good faith in a manner he reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the District, and with such care as an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. In performing his duties, a Trustee may rely upon information, opinions, reports or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, in each case prepared or presented by:
(a) One or more officers of the District whom the Trustee reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented;
(b) Counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to matters which the Trustee reasonably believes to be within the person’s professional or expert competence;
(c) Employees of CCSD as to matters which the Trustee reasonably believes to be within the person’s professional or expert competence or scope of employment; and
(d) A committee of the Board upon which he does not serve, as to matters within its designated authority, which the Trustee reasonably believes to merit confidence, but he shall not be considered to be acting in good faith if he has knowledge concerning the matter in question which would cause reliance to be unwarranted.
A person who so performs his duties has no liability by reason of being or having been a Trustee of the District.
Section 2. Number, Tenure, and Qualifications.
The Campbell County Community Public Recreation Board consists of five members.
(a) Five members of the CCSD Board of Trustees shall be appointed by the chairman of the CCSD Board of Trustees.
(b) At their first meeting, the Trustees shall draw lots to determine the length of their terms. Two initial appointees shall serve terms of five years, two initial appointees shall serve terms of four years, and one initial appointee shall serve a term of three years. Thereafter, appointments shall be for five-year terms.
(c) Either or both of the remaining CCSD Trustees may serve as alternates in the event of the absence of the appointed Trustee at any meeting.
(d) After the first year of operation, the majority of the Board shall be CCSD Trustees. The chairman of the Board may extend terms of service for Board members.
Section 3. Regular Meetings. The quarterly meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of the months of March, June, September, and December. The Board shall have a regular meeting at least once in each calendar quarter. The Board shall at its first meeting determine a regular meeting schedule. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular meeting needs to be specified in advance.
Section 4. Special Meetings. The chairman or any three Trustees may call a special meeting upon ten days written notice to all other Trustees. The notice shall contain the business to be transacted at the special meeting an no other business shall be conducted.
Section 5. Notice. Notice of regular meetings is not required. Notice of special meetings shall, unless waived, be given at least ten days before the meeting by written notice delivered personally or mailed to each Trustee at his business address, or given by telephone. Notice is deemed to be delivered three days after it is deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, or when actually given if given in person. A Trustee may waive notice, in writing, of any meeting prior to the meeting. Attendance of a Trustee at a meeting constitutes a waiver of notice, except where the Trustee attends a meeting for the sole purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened.
Section 6. Telephone Participation. Members of the Board or any duly appointed committee may participate in a meeting of the Board or committee by conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time. Participation by such means constitutes presence in person at the meeting.
Section 7. Quorum. Three Trustees constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. In the absence of a quorum, those present may recess the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present.
Section 8. Manner of Acting. The act of the majority of the Trustees present at a meeting at which a quorum is present is the act of the Board of Trustees.
Section 9. Proxies. No proxies are permitted. To vote, a Trustee must be present.
Section 10. Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment by the Chairman of the CCSD Board of Trustees.
Section 11. Removal. Members may be removed by the CCSD Board of Trustees, without cause at any time.
Section 12. Compensation. No compensation will be paid to any Trustee for serving in that capacity.
Section 13. Expenses. The Board may determine to reimburse actual expenses for Trustees incurred in the pursuit of the Board’s business, when the Board has authorized incurring the expenses in advance.
Section 14. Presumption of Assent. A Trustee of the District who is present at a meeting of the Board at which action is taken is presumed to have assented to the action unless his dissent is entered in the minutes of the meeting or unless he files his written dissent to the action with the secretary of the meeting before the meeting is adjourned. The right to dissent does not apply to a Trustee who voted on the prevailing side.
Section 15. Committees. The Board may form and dissolve committees, assign tasks to committees, and appoint and remove committee members in its discretion.
Section 1. Officers. The Board shall elect annually from within its membership a chairman, vice chairman, secretary/treasurer. The Board may elect such other officers as it determines necessary or convenient. Any officer may be removed from office, with or without cause, by a majority of the members of the full Board. Vacancies in offices shall be filled by the Board at the next regular meeting after the vacancy occurred.
Section 2. Duties. The officers of the Board have these duties:
(a) The chairman shall be the executive officer of the Board, shall preside at all meetings of the Board, shall sign all obligations and contracts or other instruments approved by the Board, and shall perform all duties incident to the office of chairman.
(b) A vice-chairman shall serve in the capacity of the chairman if the chairman is absent, incapacitated, or refuses to act.
(c) The secretary/treasurer shall:
(i) Keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board and perform all duties incident to the office of the secretary/treasurer.
ii) Cause an account to be kept of the receipts and expenditures of the Board with the help of the fiscal operators.
iii) Co-sign, with the chairman, all warrants and checks.
iv) Prepare an annual budget for the Board.
(d) The Board may assign other duties to its officers from time to time.
(e) Any officer may be removed by the Board, with or without cause, whenever in its judgment the best interests of the District will be served thereby.
(f) A vacancy in any office for any reason may be filled by the Board for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 1. The District’s sole source of funding is the recreation 1 mill levy imposed pursuant to W.S. § 18-9-201(b) or any subsequent legislation related thereto.
Section 2. On or before April 1 and November 1 of each year, the District will receive proposals from CCSD and the Campbell County community for recreation projects, which may include facilities, construction, programs, and equipment, to be funded by the Board. Each proposal shall:
(a) Be submitted to the Board no later than April 1 and November 1 for the next fiscal year.
(b) Be accompanied by a full accounting of expenditures of funds allocated by the Board for projects funded in the current fiscal year.
(c) Contain adequate information to permit the Board to make an informed decision concerning funding each project. The Board may require additional information concerning proposals if it reasonably determines that additional information is needed. The Board may make requirements concerning the contents of proposals.
(d) Funds will be disbursed to approved requesting agencies after the first CCSD Board meeting held in July and January each year.
Section 3. Except for bonds for officers, insurance, and incidental supplies, all Board allocations and expenditures must be for recreational purposes.
Section 4. The Board may make allocations and expenditures for the maintenance, improvement, and development of recreation facilities within its territorial jurisdiction, and for the erection and repair of physical properties under its control.
Section 5. Approval of the majority of the full Board is required for all payments. Payment from the Board’s funds will be made by CCSD following procedures established by the District.
Section 6. The Board of Trustees of CCSD has discretion whether to levy the recreation 1 mill or any portion thereof each year. The Board may not obligate Board funds beyond the current fiscal year.
Section 7. Proposals concerning capital projects with expenditures beyond the next fiscal year may be funded if the sponsor shows the Board that the sponsor has made provision to finance the projects if the recreation 1 mill levy is not renewed.
Section 8. The Board will use accounting, routine annual audit, and investment services provided by CCSD without charge. All Board funds will be held in a segregated account and will be released only upon authorized direction from the Board. If the Board wishes to have an independent audit, it may do so at any time at the Board’s expense.
Section 9. The School District is responsible to maintain appropriate liability and premises insurance for their respective recreation facilities.
Section 10.
(a) These Bylaws do not create any duty upon CCSD to operate, maintain, or be responsible for programs or facilities owned or operated by other entities.
(b) These Bylaws do not create any duty upon the Board to operate, maintain, or be responsible for the programs or facilities of CCSD.
Section 11. The Board’s fiscal year shall begin upon the first day of July and end upon the last day of June in the next calendar year.
These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by a majority vote of the full Board at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.
The District may be dissolved upon a majority vote of the Trustees and in such event any assets held by the District shall be distributed to a governmental agency for public recreation purposes as determined by the Board.
I, Deborah Dumbrill McLeland , the duly elected secretary/treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the Campbell County Community Public Recreation District, hereby certify that the foregoing Bylaws were duly adopted by a majority vote of the full Board at a regular meeting held on July 18 , 2001, in Gillette, Wyoming.
Dated August 29 , 2001.
Deborah Dumbrill McLeland
I, Deborah Dumbrill McLeland , the duly elected secretary/treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the Campbell County Community Public Recreation District, hereby certify that the revised Bylaws were duly adopted by a majority vote of the Board at a special meeting held on July 20, 2004, in Gillette, Wyoming.
Dated July 20, 2004.
Deborah Dumbrill McLeland